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Data & Research

Map Tool

This tool provides users the opportunity to explore the current gender composition of local government leadership for different states. You can access additional information by hovering your cursor over any state on that map.


Over Time Tool

This tool provides users the opportunity to explore changes in the gender composition of local government leadership over time, both for specific states as well as Census regions.


Lookup Tool

Curious about the gender of the local government leaders in your county? Look them up in this tool! The lookup table allows you to search the gender coding for every top appointed executive and top finance official we have coded in our database (as of June 2022).


Women Representation Among Top Appointed Officials in Local Government

In this report, we identify and contextualize four key findings from our analyses of the gender composition of local government top appointed officials.


Representation of Women in Local Government Financial Leadership

New data release of the gender composition of the top finance/budgeting officials in over 21,000 local governments shows women are well represented in this important leadership position.


Other Data Sources


Women in Municipal Office | CAWP Rutgers 

CAWP data on women in municipal office includes members and officers of the municipal legislative branch of cities and towns with populations over 10,000. Data also includes mayors and officials who perform mayoral functions. 


Data on ICMA Women in the Profession ICMA 

International City Management Association (ICMA)’s report tracks the number of women in key management roles in local governments over time. 


Women's Power Index | CFR 

Created by the Council on Foreign Relation's Women and Foreign Policy program, the Women’s Power Index ranks 193 UN member states on their progress toward gender parity in political participation. It analyzes the proportion of women who serve as heads of state or government, in cabinets, in national legislatures, as candidates for national legislatures, and in local government bodies, and visualizes the gender gap in political representation.


Gender Parity Index | RepresentWomen

To quantify progress towards gender parity in elected and appointed office, RepresentWomen developed the Gender Parity Index (GPI). Each year, a Gender Parity Score and grade is calculated for each of the 50 states and for the United States as a whole. The Gender Parity Score reflects women's recent electoral successes at the local, state, and national levels on a scale of 0 (if no women were elected to any offices) to 100 (if women held all elected offices).

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