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Lookup Tool

Curious about the gender of the top appointed officials in your county? Look them up in this tool! The lookup table allows you to search the gender coding for every top appointed official we have coded in our database (as of March 2022). This interactive tool is best viewed on desktop.


Whether a local government is considered to have a top appointed official is based on Power Almanac’s assessment of the duties and responsibilities of the role. To be considered a top appointed official in this dataset, a person must be appointed by the elected governing body and be responsible for running the day-to-day operations of the government. Based on this assessment, approximately 9,500 of the 21,000+ local governments in our data base were coded as having a top appointed official (and zero local governments in Hawaii!).


Using the historical Social Security baby name database, CivicPulse researchers then computed the probability that the first name associated with each top appointed official in Power Almanac’s database has been associated with a man or a woman. Each name that could be coded with greater than 97% confidence was then assigned a gender. If you identify a record that may need updating—particularly if the gender label of an official is nonbinary—please use this form to submit a correction.


For further information about the gender-coding methodology, please see the FAQ.

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